this lil kid is the CUTEST and YOUNGEST rappah !
he just MAYBE the one to follow the path of TuPac or lead a even better one! ^^
Go kiddo!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
L.I.V.E [ LAUGH ] !0v3

Don't wait for time. Make it. Don't wait for love. Feel it.
Don't wait for money. Earn it. Don't wait for the path. Hack it.
Don't wait for opportunity. Create it. Don't go for less. Get the best.
Don't compare. Be unique. Don't avoid failure. Use it.
Don't dwell on mistakes. Learn from them. Don't back down. Go around.
Don't close your eyes. Open your mind. Don't run from life. Embrace and enjoy it.
u GoTTa TaKe THe GooD WiTH THe BaD,, SMiLe WiTH THe SaD, LoVe WiTH WaT u GoT & ReMeMBeR WaT u HaD,, LeaRN To 4GiVe BuT NeVeR FoRGeT,,LeaRN FRoM uR MiSTaKeS BuT NeVeR ReGReT,,PeoPLe CHaNGe THiNGS Go WRoNG,, JuST ReMeMBeR.. LiFe GoeS oN... =^^=
=^^= Live and love each second of ur life...cuz u gonna live it only ONCE!!
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